Design Practice

Design Practice Brief

Brief 1: Design a poster To Express Diversity in Typography.

You can use
– The Language, Script and Typeface of your choice. You can make use of one letter, one word, many words or even a paragraph composed of words.
– Calligraphic or digitally created letter forms or existing fonts, or a combination of these can be used for the poster.

Brief 2: Summit Food Packaging

Create a brand name, logo, packaging concept and one piece of promotional material for this range that can be used as a full page advert in magazine or leaflet.

These designs should:
1) Be quirky and fun, appealing to mass market consumers
2) Not focus on the fact that this range is vegetarian as it could alienate some consumers
3) Highlight the various benefits the range offers – e.g., high protein, low calorie, convenience
4) Be adaptable for different flavours – e.g., the logo can have minor changes made to fit in with the flavour of the product (e.g., putting a sombrero hat on a letter for a Mexican flavour variation, etc).

This is for a company called Summit Foods who are looking for a packaging design for their new healthy burger which is also suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians.

These briefs will be done in an Indesign document however I shall link an url to the pdf once completed.


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